Finding the Perfect Summer Camp for Your Child

Unlike most parents, I probably started my research a bit late in the year, given that I was trying to find a suitable summer camp for my two daughters.  A friend had informed me about and I soon found several camps that met my criteria.  The only problem was that the first group I contacted were already booked for the session I had requested.  Live and learn.

Thankfully, has thousands of summer camp listings and I was able to find a summer camp that had room for my daughters.  Next year, however, when I start the process again, I won’t wait until May.  Summer camps, I learned, fill up as early as February.  We ended up with a great camp, so I suppose there is always room if you’re willing to look a little harder.  In all, the entire task only took about an hour, by the time I began making arrangements with the summer camp of my choosing.  They took my reservation and sent out a nice package with an application.  Within a week, they had my check and the process was complete.  Thanks,!

I will advise parents though that we were looking for a generic summer camp and not a specialty camp, which may fill up earlier on average.  Good luck!

One Response to “Finding the Perfect Summer Camp for Your Child”

  1. Jamie Aldo Says:

    We made the same mistake, thinking that finding a summer camp at the last minute would be no problem. Our son wants to go to basketball camp and now we have to wait for a late August session.

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